Fortnite Fortnite basics fortnite: Fortnite is a gun shooting game. There is a lobby screen and a button which says " ready " and when done that it says play and clicking play puts you in a game and there is 100 players in the game then after all 100 joins it will start it start you off with a pickaxe only you start flying in a bus then when you jump you go land somewhere loot all the guns in houses and healing shield pots and mini potions are found too to up your shield protection You can mine wood, metal and bricks for building. 999 each are max materials. When you wipe out the whole game 100 people it leads you to " Victory Royale " Fortnite guns there are, Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary Type of guns in fortnite. The picture below is called and assault rifle The picture below is called as an pump shotgun T...